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Quality Powder Coating “The Basics”

This 4 disk DVD Set is perfect for power coating employee orientation and training.  It will provide a wealth of powder coating knowledge.  Originally released on VHS, it has been transferred to DVD format.                                Disk 1 - “The Hands on Approach” Proper system design begins with preparation and research.  This program will help you develop a basic understanding of the powder coating process and system design considerations. Runtime 16:23

Disk 2 - “Pre-Treatment”

Properly preparing parts for powder coating is essential for a quality finish.  This includes

cleaning, rinsing and drying.  This is the part of the powder coating process that causes the most

problems and is given the least amount of attention.

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Disk 3 - “Powder Application Control”

Powder Coating is the fastest growing technology segment in the finishing industry, and with the

ever growing concerns over environmental protection and the problems related to solvent borne

coatings, the powder coating process seems to be a good alternative in selecting a total

compliance finishing system.

Runtime 52:45

Disk 4 - “Powder Value”

Proper powder selection for a given application begins with a thorough understanding of the end

users requirements and a basic understanding of the powder manufacturing process.  The

program will explain why powder value is assessed by applied cost, not by cost per pound.

Runtime 39:31

$200.00 plus Shipping Please contact customer service to place order at Service@PowderFinishingConsultants.com Visa, Discover, AMEX, and Paypal accepted.
Powder Finishing           Consultants, Inc
“Improving The Clients Condition”